Fertility Support


Whether you are struggling with fertility challenges or are looking to optimize the health of your body for conception, I want to be present to help guide you throughout your entire journey. My goal is to help you cultivate a deeper understanding of how to provide the best care for your body.

Balance Hormones

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can both be used to correct hormonal imbalances, promote a healthy menstrual cycle, and restore the natural balance between physical and emotional health.  

Promote Circulation 

Acupuncture helps increase blood supply to the uterus, this not only supports healthy ovarian follicles, but also reduces inflammation, boosts  embryo implantation and increases uterine lining. 

Support IVF & ART 

I work together with your Reproductive Endocrinologist or OB/GYN to complement your treatments and ensure you're receiving the best integrative care possible. 

Male Factor Fertility 

When it comes to fertility, both men & women are equally important. About 40% of infertile couples struggle with male factor infertility. But, because new sperm generates every 72 days, making lifestyle adjustments along with weekly acupuncture can significantly improve sperm health. I recommend coming in for Acupuncture treatments even if sperm quality is considered normal, in order to support what is most optimal. 

 How Treatments Work 

I take the time to get to know you, and all treatments are specific to your own fertility needs. Weekly treatments are encouraged to support each phase of your menstrual cycle because your body is treated as a whole to best optimize it for pregnancy.

How Often 

It is my recommendation that you come in for acupuncture 2 times per week for 12-16 weeks. Because it takes about 3 months for an egg to mature, this time is used to prepare your body for conception by balancing hormones, improving egg quality & nourishing uterine lining.

Specific ART Treatments 

If undergoing IVF, it is typically recommended that you come in 24hrs pre & post embryo transfer to help maximize the chances of successful conception. If undergoing IUI, it is best to come in 24hrs before & about 5 days after to aid in implantation.

Explore Treatments

  •      Amenorrhea

  •      Decreased Ovarian Reserve 

  •      Elevated FSH 

  •      Endometriosis 

  •      Hormone Imbalances

  •      Immunological Factors

  •      Irregular Menses 

  •      IVF Support

  •      IUI Support

  •      Male Factor Infertility 

  •      Ovarian Cysts

  •      PCOS 

  •      Recurrent Miscarriage 

  •      Uterine Fibroids 

  •      Unexplained Infertility 

Committed To You

I am committed to supporting every birthing body and all permutations of the people it takes to make a family. I recognize the unique journey taken by same-sex couples and the complex and sometimes traumatic journey that fertility work can represent to Trans and non-binary people. I treat everyone without judgement, and acknowledge the unique challenges medical racism can pose to people of color. Within this, I recognize my own privilege and am open to course correction without fragility. I accept, without question, the lived experience of all people who walk through the door and I firmly believe that human diversity strengthens and enriches our society. In my practice, I strive to provide healthcare without discrimination and with open-hearted, skilled, support.


Heal with every breath.