Pre & Postnatal Care

Acupuncture During Pregnancy

Acupuncture is a safe & gentle way to optimize your health and treat common conditions which may occur during pregnancy. From preventing some types of miscarriage to relieving nausea, constipation, or pain, and preparing you for labor & delivery, you will be safely guided throughout all stages of your pregnancy.


  • Support Your Pregnancy

    Acupuncture supports pregnancy by providing more blood, oxygen and nutrients to your body, it is also a wonderful way to relieve stress. Treatments range from relieving morning sickness, heart burn, sleep disturbances, hypertension, or back pain. From weeks 28-34 breech babies may be turned, during weeks 37-39 the cervix is ripened & labor prep begins, at 40+ weeks natural labor induction is supported.

  • Nourish Your Body

    Treatments are recommended once a week throughout your entire pregnancy to help grow a healthy, well-developed, baby. For high risk pregnancies it is recommend to come in for treatments bi-weekly during the first trimester. The treatments are relatively painless & there are no adverse side effects for you or baby. I also offer high quality vitamins & supplements to support each of your needs during this special time.

Treatment Throughout The Trimesters


First Trimester

  •      Fatigue

  •      Morning Sickness

  •      Constipation

  •      Headaches 

  •      Nausea/Vomiting

  •      Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Second Trimester

  •      Heartburn

  •      Swelling or Edema

  •      Excessive weight gain

  •      Hemorrhoids 

  •      Placenta Previa

  •      High Blood Pressure

Third Trimester

  •      Low back or Hip pain

  •      Pre-eclampsia / Eclampsia

  •      Pelvic Pain

  •      Gestational Diabetes 

  •      Breech Presentation

  •      Labor Support


Postnatal Support 

I believe that restoring your health after labor is a critical part of the postnatal period, also known as the fourth trimester. Postnatal acupuncture, gentle herbal remedies, moxibustion therapies, and nutritional guidance are all used to provide vital support and nourishment during this special time. 

What To Expect 

Throughout these visits, my goal is to restore balance to your reproductive hormones, establish or increase milk supply, alleviate stress, anxiety or depression, shrink the uterus, aid in C-section recovery, treat any residual aches & pains from labor, boost energy, and simply bring harmony back to the body. 


  • Moxibustion for Breech Babies

    Moxibustion is a technique that encourages Breech babies to turn naturally. It is recommend to come in as early as week 28 if baby is not yet positioned head down. I will also teach you how moxibustion can be done at home, along with some stretches, so that you can continue this therapy on a daily basis.

  • Promote Healthy Labor

    Beginning at 36 weeks it is recommend to come in for Acupuncture to promote cervical ripening & dilation, shorten the length of labor, and prevent overdue births. Electro-stimulation techniques may also be used to get a sluggish labor going & avoid the need for chemical inductions.

Surrender to the flow.